Monday, April 14, 2008


Desire is to wish or long for something. Many people wish for things they don’t have even if they don’t realize they are doing it. I chose desire because everyone desire’s something and everyone can relate to this concept. Desire happens on an everyday basis. People can desire several different things, which is why desire is such an extensive topic. People can relate to other people’s desires because they have desires themselves. Desiring something can be very positive but also can be very negative. For example, desire is positive because it motivates people to reach their goals, but it is negative because it is overpowering. It can overpower your ability to make good decisions and to use your common sense. Another reason why desire is negative is because people sometimes desire the wrong things. It can ultimately hurt you in the long run. Once you get what you once wished for you are still unsatisfied and you demand a greater wish. This is why I chose the topic desire because I wanted to show the many different things people can desire and how desire is overpowering people’s ability to live normal lives. For example, actresses on television are so skinny which makes normal everyday woman go on crazy extreme diets and develop eating disorders all because they desire to be like the movie stars. Desire is often described as passion because passion originally meant suffering. Desire is all about suffering because you suffer until you fulfill your desire and you suffer after you get what you desired for because you desire something else. Desire is like an ongoing addiction because it’s never ending and once you start desiring things you never stop. I wanted to show that sometimes desiring something isn’t always good and most people take desire to an unhealthy level. This concept interests me because everyone including myself is always somehow unsatisfied and never happy with their appearance, relationships, materialistic items and life in general.

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